Cumberland Valley Photographic Salon

More good news!

I received the news yesterday that I have two images selected for the Cumberland Valley Photographic Salon at the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts.

My image, “Majestic Old 734″ was awarded First Prize in the black and white ‘Still Life” category.

Majestic Old 734

I am very pleased for the recognition of this image that I consider one of my 2 or 3 best of 2006.

The second image juried for exhibit was “Curved Corridor”, which has also been exhibited at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colorado. (UPDATE – 1/30/08 – I learned two days ago by way of the Main ARTery newsletter that “Curved Corridor”was awarded second prize in the Architecture/Landscape category.)

Curved Corridor

The reception for the show will be at the museum in Hagerstown on Sunday, February 10 from 2:30-4:00 PM. Drop by and say ‘hello’ if you can. Here are directions if you need them:

~ by Rsmith on January 19, 2008.